Chemical Resistance Guide

Heresite Protective Coatings are continuously being tested in a wide range of service conditions. This document is updated as new information becomes available.

Heresite continues to be a leader in chemical resistance testing of our products. We will perform numerous tests on our coatings. The most demanding test performed is for immersion services. We also test for fume, splash, and other environmental conditions.Within this guide, you will find which service is most appropriate for the coating. Additional information on each coating’s resistance is achieved through the coating’s history in actual service environments.

Temperature and concentration data are not necessarily the maximum operating conditions. They are the temperature and concentrations at which the specified coating system has been tested. The coating system may be suitable for higher temperatures and different concentrations but additional information or testing would be required.

If your condition or substance  is not among the ones listed contact Heresite Protective Coatings for assistance. We will be pleased to discuss your protective coating needs and to conduct tests to determine the effectiveness of our coatings in your specific service environment.

A Coating is resistant, for continuous immersion, against attack from the chemical listed.
B Coating is resistant against attack from fumes of the chemical listed. For immersion service of the chemical, please refer to a coating with an A or LR listed or contact Heresite Protective Coatings.
C Coating will provide the necessary 72 hours resistance required for secondary containment but is not recommended for continuous immersion.
LR Limited Recommendation – contact Heresite Protective Coatings, Inc. for assistance.
NR Coating is not recommended for the service conditions.
Blank Coating has insufficient test data for the service conditions.
Coatings are continuously being tested in a wide range of service conditions. If your condition is not among the ones listed, please contact Heresite Protective Coatings at 920-684-6646 for assistance.
P-413 Modified baked phenolic designed for HVAC equipment and light gauge metal. In addition to marine and salt air environments, the P-413 family of coatings will withstand exposure to an extensive variety of corrosive and chemical fumes and condensate.
VR-514 Air dry phenolic. Excellent for resistance to corrosive fume atmospheres and is particularly good in marine and salt air environments. Typical applications include swimming pools, wastewater, marine environments, and as a general maintenance coating.
UC-5500 Series Polyurethane. Formulated as a topcoat for other Heresite coatings, with outstanding UV resistance and excellent weathering qualities, along with good flexibility and abrasion resistance.
Common Name Chemical Name Common Name Chemical Name
Alum Aluminum Sulfate Laughing Gas Nitrogen I Oxide
Barite Barium Sulfate Lime Calcium Oxide
Baking Soda Sodium Bicarbonate Lye Sodium Hydroxide
Bleach Sodium Hypochlorite Magnesia Magnesium Oxide
Calcite Calcium Carbonate Methylene Bromide Methane Dibromide
Caustic Sodium Hydroxide Methylene Chloride Methane Dichloride
Caustic Potash Potassium Hydroxide Muriatic Acid Hydrochloric Acid
Chalk Calcium Carbonate Potash Potassium Carbonate
Cupric, Cuprous Copper II & Copper I Phenol Carbolic Acid
Dental Gas Nitrogen I Oxide Phosgene Carbonyl Chloride
Diuretic Salt Potassium Acetate Pyrite Iron Disulfide
Dry Ice Carbon Dioxide Soda Ash Sodium Carbonate
Epsom Salt Magnesium Sulfate Stannic, Stannous Tin
Ferric, Ferrous Iron III & Iron II Sulphate Sulfate
Graphite Carbon Table Salt Sodium Chloride